11 Mar 2021

How Volunteering Helped Improve My Mental Health

When we think about volunteering we consider the positive impact that volunteers have on the lives of those that benefit from their efforts, but there are studies that evidence that there is measurable, positive impact on the wellbeing of volunteers.

The experience of Ben is a perfect illustration;

"I have been suffering with mental health for many years and was in and out of work due to some of the issues I had been facing. I had tried various volunteering roles, but hadn’t found something that suited me or my schedule to fit around various health care appointments. I found Cre8 Football through MVSC and applied for an admin role, I then had an informal interview and the rest is history!

I have been volunteering now with Cre8 for a year and thoroughly enjoy my time here. They have supported me with my ongoing physical and mental health problems and have been incredibly understanding. 

Cre8 has not only helped build my confidence and self-esteem but, has given me a purpose that I once lacked. Cre8 has been a key part of my recovery. I always look forward to going into volunteering and my experience volunteering for Cre8 has been extremely positive so far. I am incredibly grateful for what they have done for me, because I have also been able to build up my CV so when I am ready to go back into the working world, I now have an added skill set through the work I have been doing and various courses I have attended through Cre8.

I am very passionate about the work I do at Cre8 and I have built up an incredibly strong rapport with my volunteer manager, which has played an important role in my recovery as he is very encouraging, uplifting and supportive at all times!"

Would You Like To Volunteer?