26 Aug 2020

Do you need volunteers to help with your COVID-19 response?

We're helping to mobilise a volunteer taskforce to help isolated households and those at risk from COVID-19. We have received over 800 volunteer offers from people with a wide range of skills and experience and we are working w

MVSC is working with the voluntary sector to mobilise a volunteer taskforce to help isolated households and those at risk from COVID-19. We have received over 800 volunteer offers from people with a wide range of skills and experience and we are working with partners to match as many of them as we can.

If you are delivering COVID-19 front line services and need support from volunteers, please get in touch. We may be able to partner you up with our volunteers during this challenging time. 

Please email volunteer@mvsc.co.uk 




Submitted by sophie@mvsc.co.uk on August 10, 2020