Merton Giving is a charitable initiative from partners Merton Connected and Merton Chamber of Commerce.

We Connect People, Raise Funds, Give Grants.

Help your community

Based on the notion that everyone has something to give, no matter how small - we encourage people and businesses to give money, time or in-kind support, to help local people and make a positive difference to their lives.

How You Can Help
If you'd like to make a donation to Merton Giving, so we're able to support more charities helping local people, you can make a donation here.

Could you be a fabulous fundraiser for Merton Giving?
From showing off your baking skills, dressing up, taking to the local park to run a few miles, whatever your skills and interests are you can help to make a difference to people living tough lives in Merton.  You can set up your own fundraising page by clicking on Fundraise For Us here.

Giving time as a Business
Through Merton Giving, we are able to offer volunteer opportunities to enable you to make a positive difference in your local community. To find out more email

Together, we can help transform lives.

A - C

1st Lower Morden Scout Group A contribution to essential core costs.

22nd Wimbledon Scout Group To contribute towards preparing for a safe return to physical meetings for scouts.

African Education Cultural Heritage Organisation (AECHO) To produce health and well-being information for vulnerable BAME residents.

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association To provide telephone advice and support to local migrants and refugees.

Age UK Merton Contribution towards technology update to enable servicing of increased demand and complexity of enquiries.

Ashdon Jazz Academy To run telephone and online support for vulnerable young girls.

Association for Polish Family To fund virtual support and advice to Polish and Eastern European communities. 

Attic Theatre Contribution to deliver dance and singing workshops for isolated older people and to a children’s summer camp.

ATS Creative Academy CIC To provide telephone counselling and mentoring to families and young residents. 

Avanti Mental Well Being CIC To deliver telephone and online peer support to vulnerable mental health service users.

Baseless Fabric Theatre Provision of operatic performances to local care and nursing home residents.

Black Learning Achievement & Mental Health UK To provide educational resources & materials for local BAME families.  

Chabad Lubavitch of South London To provide Kosher Food parcels to vulnerable Merton Households.

Chabad Lubavitch of South London Provision of technology to support on-going communication including educational support and facilitating a summer camp for 20 vulnerable children.

Colour House Children's Theatre A contribution towards core overhead costs for this local children’s theatre.

Colliers Wood Community Centre To adapt their services to provide a virtual community centre offering telephone support to older residents alongside activities and challenges for young people.

Commonside Community Development Trust To provide a meal service, as an adaptation of their usual lunch club for vulnerable, elderly residents, for a 3-month period.

Community Drugs & Alcohol Recovery Service To provide emergency out reach check-in calls to vulnerable clients.

D - J

Deen City Farm A contribution towards their essential running costs.

Don's Local Action Group A contribution towards the food parcels provided for Merton residents.

Don's Local Action Group To provide IT equipment and/or data packages for digitally excluded households.

Endeavour Youth Club A contribute towards core costs and provision of equipment to enable the club to keep in regular contact with their youth club members.

Ethnic Minority Centre To provide virtual services, including classes, cultural coffee mornings and a young mum’s club to local vulnerable BAME residents. ‍ 

Fayre & Square Wimbledon CIC To provide remote support to vulnerable learners and a contribution to essential costs.

Filmanthropy CIC To fund a video project for local residents, using weekly online tasks to develop  skills and content.

Friends in St. Helier( FISH) To support vulnerable residents in the SM4 area during lock down with shopping, telephone contact and a hot meal service. ‍ 

Focus 4-1 To provide peer support for mental health service users.

Hearts & Minds To deliver peer-led support to local young people, experiencing mental health difficulties, through online sessions.

Hearts & Minds A contribution towards a further 3 months delivery of peer support group sessions and 1-2-1 session for local young people facing mental health challenges.

Inner Strength Network To deliver 1-2-1 coaching support for vulnerable women and girls. 

JAGs Foundation To fund the provision of online support for vulnerable young women.

Jerimiah Project To deliver online financial literacy and debt management courses and provide additional support to vulnerable families to keep them socially connected.

Jigsaw4U A contribution to support adapting the delivery of their core services to vulnerable children.

Jigsaw4U Provision of bereavement support to local children and families including those who have been affected by the death of a close family member due to Covid-19.

Jimmy Asher Foundation Contribution towards technology to support an adaptation of services to engage with young people virtually.

K - R

Karate Club Youth Project To adapt their services to provide virtual karate classes for local Merton families, enabling them to remain physically active and socially connected. ‍ 

Lantern Arts Centre A contribution towards resources for their users to keep active and reduce isolation.

Martins Way Methodist Church Provision of weekly online exercise and dance classes for residents age 50 plus.

Maggies at the Royal Marsden To provide of range of support to patients and families currently accessing cancer care and treatments.

Maggies at the Royal Marsden Provision of one week’s remote support to patients and families currently accessing  cancer care &  treatments.

May Project Garden CIC To support young asylum seekers and refugees from low income families

Merton Community Transport Provision of transport and logistical support to Merton’s Community Fridge Network and to provide accessible transport to vulnerable residents.

Merton & Morden Guild Provision of support to vulnerable households in the Morden area, including; shopping, medication collection and transport to appointments. ‍ 

Merton Centre for Independent Living To provide support to disabled residents through the continuation of information, advice and guidance surgeries.

Merton Home Tutoring Service To provide ESOL support and advice to marginalised Merton residents whose engagement is inhibited as a result of limited language acquisition.

Merton Saints BMX To provide social distance compliant BMX sessions for local children.

Mitcham Town Community Trust To provide equipment to facilitate online learning resources for vulnerable children.

Momentum Children's Charity A contribution to provide vital telephone and video support and advice to Merton families whose children are receiving cancer treatment. ‍ 

Morden Education & Cultural Centre A contribution towards educational and personal developments sessions for young people and parental support sessions.

MSJ Student Charity Provision of support with CV writing and applications to colleges.

North East Mitcham Community Association A contribution towards essential costs.

Positive Network Community Project To provide support to vulnerable, older BAME residents with culturally appropriate meals,doorstep visits and facilitating contact with relatives. ‍ 

Redeem Christian Church of Christ – THORP To deliver welfare telephone calls to young people to reduce social isolation.     

S - W

Sherwood Park Hall To provide a range of online classes and activities including dance, music and arts and crafts to local residents. ‍ 

Skillspool Training To fund a digital peer befriending service for socially isolated residents.

South London Refugee Association Provision of online and telephone advice and support to vulnerable local refugee and migrant communities.

South London Tamil Welfare Group Provision of technology to enable them to work remotely and continue to offer support to their community. ‍ 

Sustainable Merton A contribution to costs to set up and run Merton’s first community fridge.

The Link Café To adapt their services to deliver support sessions for local residents. ‍ 

Tooting & Mitcham Community Sports Club To fund weekly support to vulnerable young people.

Unique Talent To maintain the provision of mentoring and support for 40 young offenders.

Wimbledon CivicTheatre Trust To provide weekly online creative tutorials for young people.

Wimbledon Foodbank To contribute towards the purchase of food care packages.

World Heart Beat Music Academy Provision of online music tuition and support for disadvantaged young people in Merton.