Volunteer Opportunities

Give your time to help make a positive difference in your local community. Whether it's an hour every now and then or a regular weekly commitment, we are here to help you to find the right one for you.

Please note that we are working closely with organisations in Merton to give you a wide range of exciting opportunities to volunteer in your community. This page is currently blank, but it will be updated on a regular basis so please keep coming back to find ways you can give your time.

[[ item.title ]]

Requirements description: [[ item['requirements_description'] ]]

Venue: [[ getAddress(item) ]]

[[ item['description'] ]]

Topics: [[ item['topics'].join(', ') ]]

Skills: [[ item['skills'].join(', ') ]]

Roles: [[ item['roles'].join(', ') ]]

Requirements: [[ item['requirements'].join(', ') ]]

Practical considerations: [[ item['practical_considerations'] ]]

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