How Volunteering Helped Improve My Mental Health

When we think about volunteering we consider the positive impact that volunteers have on the lives of those that benefit from their efforts, but there are studies that evidence that there is measurable, positive impact on the wellbeing of volunteers.

47 years of volunteering and counting

Volunteering during lockdown has become somewhat of the ‘norm’ for people in Merton. For Harry, this has been the ‘norm’ for over 47 years.

Volunteering exceeds expectations

Sustainable Merton’s Community Champions are a group of 73 local residents passionate about improving the environment, encouraging sustainable behaviour change, and addressing issues around waste, air quality, energy, and food.

Wimbledon Guild delighted with support from local people

During the coronavirus pandemic, Wimbledon Guild has been supporting over 600 existing customers as well as providing assistance to over 400 vulnerable people in Merton who have been referred to the charity through the COVID-19 Community Response Hub.

Community Champions can help stop the spread of COVID-19

Do you want to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by sharing clear and consistent messages?